
Logo Samples

Created for Greenpeace

Life is not a given,
Pollution is not life friendly.
Eat and be eaten.
Take and you will be taken.






Created for a site on Conflict Resolution.



This was to be placed on my auctions.

When you clicked the gif it would take you to my "other auctions."



A gif gift to celebrate Kenny Loggin's first album in 4 years,

"It's About Time"





Closed due to government cut-backs?


Two Logo's for the WWW. Oct. 07



For Rothman Technologies

Closed due to retirement




Went looking for the BP Logo to find so many different ways to say we hate your mess, I had to add my own.




As an example of my work I made this up for Operitel Corporation Peterborough Ontario, (that has since been sold to Open Text. )

I used their logo, they mentioned that the future was in their hands.


L.D. Neill

All rights reserved, please do not copy in any form without permission.


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