Kid Shows 02

I tried to go to sleep for about 3 hours, I finally fell out of bed laughing so hard I wasdoubled over. I had been thinking about two of my favorite cartoon characters.

Rocky and Bullwinkle

Keith could be Bullwinkle the moose. In stead of antlers we could wire up his dreads.
I get to be the plucky squirrel with the neat hat.

In the show Bullwinkle would often launch Rocky like a foot ball.
I can bet Keith would like to launch me after viewing this picture or.
hang me over a precipice or just slap me silly.
Whoops too late.
I don't mind a little slap and tickle Pooky, but be prepared to take what you give.

Pirates of the Isles

Happy Tails to You

Wile K.Oyote

Keith The Beast