Gordon Michael Woolvett

GMW Web Site

There is a cheer that goes with this gif. but darned if I can find it.

I was invited to the GMW message board (sorry MB seems to be down atm) in the winter of '01 '02 and I hung out there for quite a few years.

Many of the D. Consortium characters where created, developed or just jumped out of the ether on his board.

It's a light hearted board, much like Gordon. You would have found very few serious conversations and quite a few laughs!

At the time Mr. Woolvett was working as actor and writer in the roll of Harper on the TV series Andromeda.

From Season 4 The Warmth of an Invisible Light

I was asked to make a label for a bottle of maple syrup to be delivered to Gordon at a Science Fiction Conference by a couple of my food fight buddies. Gordon did join in the food fights on his board when it first started up.

"Guaranteed to stick to your opponent better than Magog spit or your money back! "

Did he receive it?


Gordon mistook Vee for me, so that's my hug your viewing.

Me Fix That
I has permission.

Gordon was very amused by These 3 photo edits


I have been making up Birthday gifs and photo edits for Gordon over the years.


Gordon also stars as Piglet in my illustrations for Rivergirl's Silly Chronicles

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