Mad Scientist D.


Mad Scientist D.

From the Thread Pure Fiction

Mad Scientist, pass me that magnetic thingy and that carbon based whatyamacallit.

Loved all of the sciences as a youth. I wasn't pegged as an artist until I was 16 because I was too caught up in the wonderful world of physics and science. Even with the spelling mistakes (spelling counted back in the stone age) I was top of the class.

I still have a love for it and have explored some of the newer concepts where the
construction of the atom is concerned. Taught that it bares a resemblance to a solar system, the redefining of it closer to magnetic tornadoes made more sense to me.

I keep Popular Science magazine book marked and stacks of scientific journals have graced my bathroom through out my years. I don't always understand the jargon but the concepts ring clear.

Many times I have regretted my lack of an education due to circumstances beyond my control. Sure I could go back to school but there is a rule of thumb about rocket scientist.
They like dancers, burn out early. Shhh no one mention this to Einstein.

I have no idea how this would have anything to do with Keith, Science, science fiction, pure fiction. There ya go.

The animation below is a working model of my sound wave cold fusion engine. Just need to tweak the transmission a little more.
The two lower disks are magnets with like poles facing each other, set in a cylinder filled with transmission fluid. The white circle is a membrane that reacts to the sound waves produced by the tuning fork that vibrates through an electrical current produced through solar energy.

The concept was conceived by viewing a nature show on the sperm whale. These animals have a substance called spermaceti in their huge heads. Originally slaughtered for their spermaceti for automotive transmission fluid, now thankfully replaced by Johoba oil that has the same thick slick properties.

The sperm whales use the spermaceti to magnify their calls through the density of water to stun the fish they eat. They are far too slow to catch them other wise.

I use the transmission fluid to magnify the sound waves from the tuning fork, the sound waves bounce off the membrane which magnifies it again to make the two like poles of the magnets repel each other, acting like the pistons in your car.

Someone notify the oil companies I need to retire early!

Edit, Jan. 12, 2005

After a short discussion with Adrian we worked out the practical model.

I chose the hydraulic arms attached to the gears for simplicity of movement and rendering this gif. There is a minimum of 3 arms needed to keep the magnet balanced. 4 gears would turn it into a moving object if the gears are facing the same direction. The down position of the gears is not necessary, they can also be placed in the upward position. You may add as many as will fit without conflict to the moving magnet.

It came upon me a second perpetual motion machine this one works like this.

Developed from The Gauss Rifle Instructons

What if the second marbles where made of ceramic alloys with a metal core?
At a certain temperature the molecular structure of metal (A) was more active than the ceramic alloy (B) and vice versa?

What if the track was circular (like a flying saucer) on an ever slightly gyrating axis and the track traveled through a variety of temperatures, would active B not fall back out of the ground state using gravity or centrifugal forces so that they could be driven again?

Another question, each time the marble hits the magnet it's speed unit is multiplied, so how would one slow it down so that it does not destroy the magnet or the ceramic.

Perhaps tungsten cored diamonds are this girls best friend, marble wise.

Perhaps magnets need only be active while excellerating and could be lowered or raised when needed or not needed?

Update March 2007

Here's an idea that was keeping me awake last night.

Electrical Generating Smoke Stack Turbines With
Charcoal Filter Blades.

New Invention Post #19

The idea came from all that spent energy that goes up through the smoke stacks with out taking advantage of the flow. It's a total waste of good energy that could be converted to help off set not just the cost of fitting the turbines, but eventually some of the electrical operating expenses of the plant.

There is maintenance involved in changing the blades that can be emptied and used as fuel. Sensors that measure the amount of pollutants that are escaping are also needed to report when it is time to change them.
There is no reason why the blades can not maintain themselves automatically, they dump their charcoal into the furnace and refill. Using computers it's a no brainer. Which is a good idea considering humans have too many flaws to keep up the maintenance on their own.

Of course there is an expensive start up with this idea, the smoke stacks will have to be altered, the turbines custom fit, etc. The idea has it's merits because it's a quick fix and should not cause the economy to falter, more likely it will open up a whole new field of employment.

Now that idea only kept me awake for a few minutes, what continued to peculate was taking the idea to the automotive industry.
It might be very profitable to legislate this type of cleaning system into the exhaust systems. You change your turbine filters every time you change your oil.
The turbines also make energy to run the vehicle? When the vehicle is at cruising velocity, the turbines will take over? It's not going to help much for city driving but on the highway it can rule.

It was brought to my attention that there could be some problem with drag. "More lube," she cries! So it slows ya down, speed kills.

Out of the vehicles and into the house. I don't think your average chimney can produce more than enough electricity using the turbines to keep more than your motion sensor light going, but it's still doing the job of cutting back on green house gases.

At the moment this design is up for grabs since I don't have the ability to bring it to the world, it's a gift.

Next, L.D.N. The Poet..

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